Certbot is an automated tool that simplifies the way webmasters can obtain, renew, and manage SSL certificates. It interacts with the Let’s Encrypt CA through a protocol called ACME (Automated Certificate Management Environment), allowing the certificates to be issued and renewed without significant user interaction.
Before you can renew your SSL certificates with Certbot, you need to have it installed on your server. This can typically be done through package managers on systems like Ubuntu (sudo apt-get install certbot) or CentOS (sudo yum install certbot).
Certbot provides a hassle-free mechanism to renew SSL certificates. To automate the renewal process, you should run the following command:
Plain textANTLR4BashCC#CSSCoffeeScriptCMakeDartDjangoDockerEJSErlangGitGoGraphQLGroovyHTMLJavaJavaScriptJSONJSXKotlinLaTeXLessLuaMakefileMarkdownMATLABMarkupObjective-CPerlPHPPowerShell.propertiesProtocol BuffersPythonRRubySass (Sass)Sass (Scss)SchemeSQLShellSwiftSVGTSXTypeScriptWebAssemblyYAMLXML bashCopy codecertbot renew
This command checks all certificates installed on the server and renews them if they are within 30 days of expiration. It’s a good practice to test this process with a dry run:
Plain textANTLR4BashCC#CSSCoffeeScriptCMakeDartDjangoDockerEJSErlangGitGoGraphQLGroovyHTMLJavaJavaScriptJSONJSXKotlinLaTeXLessLuaMakefileMarkdownMATLABMarkupObjective-CPerlPHPPowerShell.propertiesProtocol BuffersPythonRRubySass (Sass)Sass (Scss)SchemeSQLShellSwiftSVGTSXTypeScriptWebAssemblyYAMLXML bashCopy codecertbot renew --dry-run
The --dry-run option simulates the renewal process without making any actual changes to your certificates, ensuring everything works as expected.
While running certbot renew is straightforward, remembering to do so regularly might not be practical. Therefore, automating this process is critical. You can achieve this by scheduling a cron job that runs certbot renew twice a day. Here is an example of a cron job entry that you might add to your server’s crontab file:
Plain textANTLR4BashCC#CSSCoffeeScriptCMakeDartDjangoDockerEJSErlangGitGoGraphQLGroovyHTMLJavaJavaScriptJSONJSXKotlinLaTeXLessLuaMakefileMarkdownMATLABMarkupObjective-CPerlPHPPowerShell.propertiesProtocol BuffersPythonRRubySass (Sass)Sass (Scss)SchemeSQLShellSwiftSVGTSXTypeScriptWebAssemblyYAMLXML javascriptCopy code0 12,0 * * * /usr/bin/certbot renew --quiet
This cron job runs at noon and midnight every day, renewing any certificates that need it and doing so quietly without generating output.
After setting up Certbot to renew certificates automatically, it’s wise to monitor your system’s logs (usually found in /var/log/letsencrypt) to ensure that renewals are proceeding as expected. Occasionally, issues such as network interruptions or changes in the Let’s Encrypt API might require your attention.
]]>Before processing text files, you might need to view their contents. You can use commands like cat, less, more, and tail:
cat filename.txt: Displays the entire contents of the file.
less filename.txt: Allows for scrollable viewing of the file contents.
more filename.txt: Similar to less, but with less flexibility.
tail -n 10 filename.txt: Shows the last 10 lines of the file.
To search within a text file, grep is incredibly useful:
grep “search_string” filename.txt: Prints lines containing the search string.
grep -i “search_string” filename.txt: Case-insensitive search.
grep -r “search_string” /path/: Recursively search all files under the specified directory.
While Bash isn’t typically used for interactive editing, you can use sed for stream editing:
sed ’s/old/new/g’ filename.txt: Replaces all occurrences of ‘old’ with ’new’ in the file and displays the result.
To save changes back to the file, you can redirect the output: sed ’s/old/new/g’ filename.txt > modified_filename.txt
Sorting content is another common requirement:
sort filename.txt: Sorts lines alphabetically.
sort -r filename.txt: Sorts lines in reverse order.
sort -n filename.txt: Sorts lines numerically.
To find or filter unique lines, use uniq:
sort filename.txt | uniq: Removes duplicate lines (note that uniq requires sorted input).
sort filename.txt | uniq -u: Displays only unique lines that do not have duplicates.
The wc command is useful for getting basic statistics:
wc filename.txt: Displays the line, word, and character counts.
wc -l filename.txt: Counts the number of lines in the file.
The cut command is handy when dealing with delimited data:
To combine the contents of multiple text files, use cat:
You can use tr to translate or delete characters:
cat filename.txt | tr ‘[:lower:]’ ‘[:upper:]’: Converts all lowercase letters to uppercase.
tr -s ’ ’ < filename.txt: Squeezes multiple spaces into a single space.
Understanding redirection is crucial:
command > file.txt: Redirects the output of command to file.txt, overwriting it.
command » file.txt: Appends the output of command to file.txt.
LFTP is more than your average FTP client. It supports a wide range of protocols, including FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, SFTP, and BitTorrent. This versatility makes it an invaluable tool for interacting with various servers and services. What sets LFTP apart is its commitment to reliability and efficiency, offering features like automatic retries, background operations, and scriptable commands.
Diving into LFTP begins with its installation, which is straightforward on most Unix-like operating systems, often available directly from the package manager. Once installed, initiating an LFTP session is as simple as typing lftp
followed by the server’s address. From there, the world of advanced file transfers is at your fingertips.
jobs to schedule your file transfers during off-peak hours, optimizing bandwidth usage.lftp -f script_name
.The true power of LFTP shines in scenarios requiring robust file transfer capabilities. System administrators can leverage its mirroring feature to create backups of entire websites, while data analysts might use it to automate the retrieval of large datasets from remote servers. Its ability to resume interrupted transfers also makes it ideal for working with unreliable connections.
]]>wget [URL]
: At its simplest, wget
followed by the URL downloads the file to your current directory, preserving the original filename.-O, --output-document=[FILE]
: This command lets you specify a custom filename for the downloaded file instead of using the one from the URL.-b, --background
: Use this to run wget
in the background, freeing your terminal for other tasks. It logs the progress into wget-log
or a specified logfile.-r, --recursive
: This command is perfect for downloading entire websites or parts of websites, mirroring all the directory structure.-l, --level=[NUMBER]
: Limits the recursion depth. Useful for controlling how deep you go into a website’s link hierarchy.--limit-rate=[RATE]
: Slows down the download speed to a specified rate, ensuring it doesn’t hog all your bandwidth.-c, --continue
: Resumes a partially downloaded file, picking up where it left off without starting from scratch.--start-time=[TIME]
: Schedules the download to begin at a specific time. This is useful for initiating downloads during off-peak hours.-t, --tries=[NUMBER]
: Sets the number of retries for a failed download. Use -t 0
for infinite retries.--retry-connrefused
: Retries even if the connection is refused.-P, --directory-prefix=[PREFIX]
: Directs wget
to save the file(s) to a specified directory, organizing your downloads better.--http-user=[USER]
and --http-password=[PASSWORD]
: These commands are critical for downloading files from password-protected websites, ensuring secure access.--no-check-certificate
: Disables SSL certificate verification, useful for sites with self-signed certificates.-U, --user-agent=[AGENT]
: Mimics a specific browser or bot, which can be necessary for downloading from sites that restrict by user agent.-e, --execute="http_proxy=[URL]"
: Configures wget
to use a proxy for the download, essential for navigating through network restrictions.Copy env variables to script:
curl \
--output /dev/null \
--silent \
--write-out "%{http_code}" \
]]>Sort file lines and deduplicate content:
sort file.txt | uniq -u
Usage of AWK for deduplicate file content:
awk '!seen[$0]++' file.txt
]]>Fetch A record for domain:
dig google.com
Query specific DNS server:
dig @ google.com
Fetch ANY DNS record
dig google.com ANY
Fetch MX records:
dig MX google.com
DNS trace command:
dig google.com +trace
]]>Copy env variables to script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
Strict mode for execution of code:
set -euo pipefail
Script conditional arguments:
if [[ -z "$string" ]]; then
echo "String is empty"
elif [[ -n "$string" ]]; then
echo "String is not empty"
Range loops:
for i in {1..5}; do
echo "Id: $i"
Example function:
function myfunc() {
echo "Example $1"
myfunc "Arg"
]]>Send Post request:
curl --data "key1=value1&key2=value2" http://site.com
Send JSON data:
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"param1":"test1","param2":"test2"}' http://test.com
Get status code:
curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" http://www.example.org/
]]>Convert encoding:
iconv -f CP1252 -t UTF-8 example.txt > example-utf-8.txt
Xrumer files conversion from windows encoding to UTF-8
iconv -f windows-1251 -t UTF-8//IGNORE example.txt > example-utf-8.txt
iconv -f windows-1251 -t UTF-8//IGNORE 4Success.txt > utf8/4Success.txt
Text wiles cleanup, remove duplicates and empty lines:
awk 'NF && !seen[$0]++' inputfile.txt > outputfile.txt
grep -v "^[[:space:]]*$" in.txt | uniq
Count number of lines in file:
wc -l file.txt
Split files by lines:
split -l <number-of-lines-in-file> file.txt
each with Find and remove files:
find . -name "Success.txt" -exec rm -rf {} \;
find . -name "Success.txt" | xargs rm -rf
]]>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36
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